First step: Buy or make your own pizza dough. I just bought store brand pizza dough and prepared it according to the instructions. I added just a tiny bit of flour to each side of the pizza dough when I got ready to put it on the grill, just so the dough was not sticky. Make sure your grill is nice and hot! I actually did 6 pizzas, but my daughter was eager to take the picture before I was done putting the pizzas on! LOL
Second: Put your pizzas on and let the bottoms cook until they are nice and done, then flip them over!
Third: Turn your grill down to low, and add whatever ingredient you like! Shut the grill lid, and let your grill turn into an oven and melt the cheese! Once the cheese is melted, your pizza is done!!
This pizza had just the right crunchy-ness!! Yum Yum!! Enjoy!! Let me know if you have ever made pizza on the grill, and how you did it!!
Those pizza's were amazing!!! love you mom!!!
They do you!! Love you
my kids discovered how to get on my blog!! Thanks guys!! love you too!
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