Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Smucker's $0.75/1 printable!!

Ok, here is the coupon I have been waiting for!!  Coupons.com has a $0.75 off any 1 jar of Smucker's Fruit Spread!!  Meijer has them on price drop for $1.67, so with this coupon, you can get a jar of Smucker's jelly for $0.92!! 

Smuckers' Fruit Spread - $1.67  (ends 5-01)
Smucker's Squeezable Jelly - $1.99- $0.75/1 printable
Final cost - $0.92 or $1.24

Oh BTW, this is my very first print screen!!  I am so excited to have finally figured it out!!! 

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