Friday, April 22, 2011

Small talk!!

Well, I was missing in action for about 24 hrs. on my blog because my husband surprised me with a night away at Amish country!!  I knew that he wanted to take me somewhere, but didn't tell me where until yesterday!!  I have to admit, being away from "the real world"  was a break we both needed!   Well, enough of this, now onto what i really came on here to say........

I am getting ready to do my Meijer match-ups and wanted to know if you all like the way I do my match-ups now (which is by the page in the ad), or should I break it down into categories.  (like, refrigerated, grocery, meat, frozen)   I would be happy to change if you all think it would help you get through the store quicker!  Let me know!!

If you would like to view the Meijer ad for next week, go here!


permgemma said...

there's a way to get thru Meijer quicker? DO TELL!
I don't care how you do it, I am just so thankful YOU do it! lol

Anonymous said...

When do you usually post the match ups for a sale that starts on Sunday? Thanks.

Ginger said...

The Meijer ad is the only ad that I do the match-ups for, and i try to have them done friday night/sat. However, this weekend, I wont have the Meijer ad done until tomorrow. I am trying to get everything ready for Easter and I just can't get the ad done today. I will have the Kroger ad done on Sunday/Monday. HTH!

Unknown said...

Thanks. Hope you have a Happy Easter. Enjoy your time with the family